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I HIT THE 70s!! (just)

This morning was a bit of a struggle to get out of bed because Charlotte had a rough night, so after hitting the snooze button twice, I struggled out. Then I remembered that it was WEIGH IN DAY for te 12 week challenge. I stripped off (I am doing nudey weigh ins at home...more accurate) and jumped on the scales. O.M.G!! The scales said 79.8kg!! I got off and then back on...YUP 79.8kg! I don't know what I was more excite about, being in the 70s again...or the fact that I lost 2.4kg this week!! (I am going to use my scales only for the challenge as my WW weigh in , is in the evening and it really depends on my clothes and what I have eaten or had to drink that determines the results on the scales...kwim?)

Anyway, that gave me the motivation to go for my jog. Wk 3 of couch to 5k. I have managed to jog approximately HALF of my walking route! Very happy with that. 45 mins in total (5350steps, 4.333kms).

Charlotte started full time daycare today. She has only been going on Fridays since March, but as I have to go back to teaching full time in 2 weeks, we wanted to settle her into f/t daycare. She has also moved up to the possum's room, so it is all different for her. She seeme fine. TJ starts Mon-Wed daycare in Charlotte's old room next Monday, so this week is my Mummy/TJ time! I am going to miss that little bundle of love! *sniff*

Anyway, washing needs to be hung out! Hoping that it doesn't rain today until it is all dry! :)

Hey Angie, congrats on the HUGE loss...thats awesome! And YAY for you that it motivated you to go on your jog/walk...and jogging most of the way! You are on a roll!!!!

Hi Angie. Well done on your loss this week. That is fantastic. But with all your challenges and competitions how could you not lose :D

Keep up the fantastic work.

Love the blog - looks really swish (do people still use the word swish??). Have a great day :D

Well done angie - 2.4kms is amazing! Must be your body that's just not used to all that jogging - your bog looks amazing too (I can guess who helped LoL)

Hugs and Kisses!

HEY Girls!

Jadey- I got the link from your blog for the template (which happens to be the same template TIna has) and because I know html pretty well, I just went from there! :) I found it easy once I had the template down!

That an excellent loss and fantastice to be in the 70's wow i can't wait till i am a 70's girl;)

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