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25kgs GONE

Well, I have been really bad at keeping my blog up to date since we had the news about TJ. We head to Brisbane to have the MRI on Thursday and then have an appointment with the Cerebal Palsy League on Friday morning. We don't see the ped until March 7...so we have to wait THAT LONG to *officially* know the results. UNOFFICIALLY, we get the scan and report to bring back with us and my mum is a nurse, so we are going to open it and see what it says.

The little man is doing so well with his speech and is saying hello daddy, Shar SHar (Charlotte's nickname), hiiiiiiiiii, yeahhhhhhhhhhh, mum etc. SO I guess the intellectual side isn't going to be much of a worry. Physio should help his little arm anyway.

I will come and post pictures of my kiddles for you to see anyway! :)

On the weight loss front...Well I am 77.2kg as of my weigh in tonight! That makes my weight loss to date 25.2kgs!! I got my 5kg star to add to my bookmark, so that was a goal. My next goal is to get to 75kg. 2 kgs to go for that one, AND ONLY 6 KGS TIL WW GOAL!!

Better go and watch the Biggest Loser that my hubby taped while I was slaving away at WW!!

You are a legend for even thinking of weight loss at time like this. And to lose 25 kgs - well done.

Hope everything goes well with the specialist and the news is exceptionally good :)

We have all being praying for him here Angie! Your weight loss at this time is amazing!

Oh darl i hope all is well with your little one nothing worse than finding out your child has something. Your a fighter and i know you will get through it no matter what darl:)
AND WOW what a loss fantastic!!!! not far to go now!

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