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Well it is official! I weighed in tonight at WW and got a 1.5kg WL , which takes me to...... 79.5kg!!! I am VERY happy with that, but will not reward myself until I get to 78.5kg, as Loj said, at that weight, I would have to eff up big time to tip the scales into the 80s again! :):):)

I have sorted a lot of the stuff out over the last few days and things are looking better again. I don't usually get into such a funk, but this one really got to me. I have to say I am proud that I didn't say EFF IT ALL and go crazy with the food, I stuck to the boring no count plan. I am actually changing back to points for a few weeks. I like the freedom of points better. You only have to compare the sample menus for both and then see the points one looks so much more appetising.

I have been working out twice a day. Mornings by myself, doing the couch to 5k plan and evenings walking with Loj and the kids in the pram (I LOVE my Phil and Ted's E3 pram!!)

Thanks also for everyone who stopped by and let me know they were around! Tess....I will take you up on catching up. Would be cool to meet someone up here. I don't know hardly anyone!!!

Ok...off to finish my WW chicken lasagne!


Well done. We are so close in weight... it will be a race to the finish line :D

Congrats Angie! Well done! Must be great to be a 70's girl...can't wait to get there myself!!!

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